Custom Validator for Java

The Custom Validator for Java is a Java class/Servlet filter designed to submit a HTML interfaces of dynamic web applications to online validation services.


To use this class, you will need a Java Servlet container that supports the Servlet API version 2.3 or greater.

...and you are ready to go. This will result in the current page being submitted to the W3C validation service and the results displayed in a new window. To configure the output and other parameters of the validator filter, configure the class by modifying or adding init-param elements to the filer element in the web.xml file (see example below). Configuration options include:

method signature default value description
the URL of the validator to submit this page to; place the string '###URL###' where the URL of the resource to be validated should go (as in the default)
fileExtension .validate.html this is extension added to the script name when the HTTP request is written to disk
buttonText validate this is the text which appears in the validate button
buttonMarker [places marker at end of HTML <body> element] this asks the validator to substitute a string in the target page with the validation link, allowing you to avoid a sure-fire validation error (the validator drops the link at the end of the file by default) as well as customize the display
targetWindow newWindow the name of the window to direct validation results to; you may use the typical constants, '_blank', '_top', etc.
windowOptions scrollbars=yes,location=yes,
these are the options to use IF opening a browser window to display the results
workDir [directory where JSP script was run] the directory where static files should be written to disk
workDirUrl [web path to directory where JSP script was run] the web server URL for the workDir; used to show the validation service where to access the static HTML files

A fuller configuration might look like:



This asks the Validator class to...